Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Nails!

Hey! So I got a FREE Essie nail polish a few weeks ago (the color is Pama, and it's a deep red -- very pretty!) in the mail.. and yes, it is full size! I loove Essie nail polish so I was excited to try out this new color, but I've been so caught up with studying for finals that this bottle of nail polish has been sitting in my drawer for wayyy too long.

So I attempted to do something christmassy.. but I didn't have any green nail polish soooo I guess it's not all that christmassy. Lol.

So this is how it looks like:

Don't mind the metrocard lol, I used it to wipe off excess nail polish...

These are the products I used:
- Essie nail polish in Pama (for french tips),
- Orly base coat (Bonder! Love this stuff!)
- Rimmel nail polish in Pink Flash (I used this on the whole nail, it's actually more of a clear polish with some pink specks that show in the light)
- Sally Hansen topcoat (yes, I am running out!)
- some random white nail art polish I got at the dollar store. :)

Extra pictures:

1 comment:

w.lingliao said...

lol beautiful hand u got there miss, but itd look better holding my hand =D